Tuesday 14 December 2021


LI: To Draw your own Geometree.

Today for the Summer Learning Journey we did something called a Geometree, which is a type of tree with 3 different shaped triangle's the first triangle is called Equilateral Triangle that type of shape is a triangle that has the equal side's, the second triangle is a Isosceles Triangle this shape has 2 side's that are even and 1 is uneven, the last triangle shape is the Scalene Triangle which is a triangle that has all uneven side's compared to the Equilateral Triangle and the Isosceles Triangle.

My favourite part was when I got to draw all of this and how I drawed a horse without knowing it, the horse is at the top right if you look side ways. I like the way it has that purple and blue patteren on it.

Monday 13 December 2021

Summer Learning Journey


Vector art was the third activity that I have done. To create these images it uses lines, curves, and polygons to create the image. When people create this art is doesn't looks the focus/quality of the image, if people zoom..

In the image above is my Hero my Uncle Pelimanni Fisiiahi he is Tongan. The reason he is my Hero and why I choose him is because he has an amazing back story of how he went from being a boy in Tonga, from getting a scholarship for university to New Zealand, then being the Caption of the Tongan Rugby Team in. One of the other reasons he is my Hero is because he inspires me every time I play a rugby game and to think he is a big part of my family's history I say I am proud to be his nephew.

After drawing my image for my Uncle I went and searched for a quote to go with my story and that quote is "Be gracious with others and be diligent with your efforts in your journey through life" which is a very powerful quote to use on a daily basis.      

My 3 Top Tips:

1 - To do the easy stuff, then go into the detail.
2 - Be creative when doing your art.
3 - Always make sure you make it your own. 

I enjoyed doing this because I got to do it based on a true story of my family. 


Sunday 5 December 2021

Where am I?

LI: To use your smart searching skills

This week we, got into groups 3 and chose which place we wanted to do, my group did Lady Liberty. Lady Liberty is located in New York City, Lady Liberty was gift from France as a symbol of friendship, during the American Revoltion. We found some very interesting things we never knew about Lady Liberty, the lady Liberty was built in September was made in 1875. We really enjoyed this activity a lot.

Art Coloring NASA Edition

LI: To draw our own design of a space based thing 

Today was the first day of the Summer Learning Journey and today we had to color in our own version of the drawings that were given to us. My colors (Red, Black, Dark Grey, and Lit Gtey) were a little bit based on Star Wars it really reminds me of Darth Vader plus I like how its shaped and it really looks the part of a Star Wars type theme. I had fun doing this because I loved thinking of mutiple color to make my drawing look like a really cool design for others to look at to. 

3 Inspirational Quotes No.3

LI: To write 3 Inspirational Quotes

This DLO is about one of the 3 Inspirational Quotes I have chosen for those who are struggling in life if its people or if its health these qutoes well help you belive things will get better and better. So don't give up don't let fear or your health ruin your life because if you do you'll miss out on the most inmportant momments of life. Its like me I let angry and sadness along with fear get in the way of my life and I hated every second of it so I finally decided to get rid of it and live a better life for me as a older brother and as a son. For the better of my health and for the better of my future so don't let anyone or anything get in the way of the momments were you have missed out on becasue if you do then you you''ll never be the same.  

3 Inspirational Quotes No.2

 LI: To write 3 inspirational quotes

This DLO is about one of the 3 Inspirational Quotes I have chosen for those who are struggling in life if its people or if its health these qutoes well help you belive things will get better and better. So don't give up don't let fear or your health ruin your life because if you do you'll miss out on the most inmportant momments of life. Its like me I let angry and sadness along with fear get in the way of my life and I hated every second of it so I finally decided to get rid of it and live a better life for me as a older brother and as a son. For the better of my health and for the better of my future so don't let anyone or anything get in the way of the momments were you have missed out on becasue if you do then you you''ll never be the same.  

Sunday 14 November 2021

3 Inspirational Quotes

 LI: To write 3 inspirational quotes

This DLO is about 3 Inspirational Quotes for those who are struggling in life if its people or if its health these qutoes well help you belive things will get better and better. So don't give up don't let fear or your health ruin your life because if you do you'll miss out on the most inmportant momments of life. Its like me I let angry and sadness along with fear get in the way of my life and I hated every second of it so I finally decided to get rid of it and live a better life for me as a older brother and as a son. For the better of my health and for the better of my future so don't let anyone or anything get in the way of the momments were you have missed out on becasue if you do then you you''ll never be the same.